Kailash Ecovillage has several different types of gardens and several programs to manage them. About one third of our garden space is dedicated to individual garden plots where each gardener manages their own space. The other two thirds are split between multiple ornamental gardens, the group-managed gardens, and fruit trees, berry patches, and grapes.

Monty's Garden Plot 2017
Gardening is an important center of community activity. We meet our fellow residents as well as neighbors from the greater community in the gardens. The beauty of the gardens as well as the sense of accomplishment raising our own food and creating beautiful spaces is a source of inspiration.
41 individual garden plots
Shared community garden space for our group gardens project
Fruit orchard (53 fruit trees), including apples, cherries, pears, plums, persimmon, paw paws, peaches, hazelnuts, figs, apricots, and quince
about 400 lineal feet of grape vines
berry patches: 34 blueberries bushes, about 200 lineal feet of raspberries, about 80 lineal feet of Marion berries, aronia and goji berries, rose hips, and several thornless blackberries
bamboo microforestry project, with about 350 lineal feet of 3 varieties of bamboo, including Golden Timber
Garden tool shed & tools
Multiple ornamental gardens: Buddha garden, native plants, hummingbird, butterfly, and pollinator gardens
Rain gardens and wetlands, including wildlife habitat gardens for amphibians
Forest garden, a shady area for introspection and meditation
Tool Area
We learn from our gardens to deal with the most urgent question of the time: How much is enough? – Wendell Berry